

AUGUST 13, 2013


      The meeting was called to order by Church Council Chairman Patti Edwards, who opened with prayer.  She read from I Corinthians 12 in preparation for the meeting.

 Present for the meeting were David Bybee, Cheryl O'Brien, Diane Croson, Pastor Brenda Sene, Scott Taylor, Sue O'Steen, Don Taylor, Patti Edwards, Kay Kiefner and Marilyn Taylor.

      Minutes from the July 9 meeting were read.  Diane Croson moved that the minutes be accepted as presented.  The motion was seconded and carried.

      FINANCE:  Scott Taylor reviewed the finances.  The income is less than last year, however, around $9,000 more has come in than spent.   The apportionments have not been paid.  The guest organist on July 14th returned the check with the request that the money go toward the security system.  She also felt privileged to play the organ in this historic church.

      Scott Taylor brought up the subject of the counting system used on Sunday mornings and discussion followed about the current problems and the possibility of the money being counted on Mondays instead.  Scott will write a proposal for a possible change.

      NEW QUADRENNIUM:  Patti Edwards has new booklets of guidelines for 2013-2016 to be given to the church committees.

      UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  Pastor Sene said that the VBS was very successful  with 40- 50 children participating.  She was pleased that a majority of them were related to the church.  The "Nothing But Nets" project was well received and over $800 was contributed for the project.

       Cheryl O'Brien apologized for not having Safe Sanctuary enacted for VBS leaders;  this will be done next year.

       The security system is in place and working well.  It includes an intercom, which helps Pastor Brenda and Administrative Assistant Shanda Walker communicate easier.

       David Bybee shared that the Trustees talked about having an on-going campaign for special purposes at the church and questioned whether or not this would be too much too soon after the security system.

       Cheryl O'Brien inquired about the cost of the window repair:  $10,000 each window.  The suggestion was made to start small and begin with repairs that are needed the most to repair/replace windows.

       Mike Bean, a member of Trustees, wants to bring a lift truck to the church so people can look at the roof and the windows;  he has adequate liability insurance.  Marilyn Taylor moved that Mike Bean be authorized to bring the truck on September 15th.  The motion was seconded and carried.

      Pastor Sene said that the "kids" had a great camp experience.  There were several campers who were scholarshipped and a CARE package went to each child at camp at Luther Heights.

      NEW BUSINESS:  Kay Kiefner presented plans for a fund raiser to assist Giovanni Castillo with the expenses for his cancer treatment.  Other churches, members of the community and workers at EIRMC would be involved, there would be a chili cook off, a raffle, a silent auction and tickets would be sold for $5.00 each.  There is a request to use the social hall at First Lutheran for the event on September 28th in the afternoon.  There would be no funds from TUMC and a bank account will be set up separate from any churches involved.  Marilyn Taylor moved that the plan be accepted.  The motion was seconded and carried.  The goal will be to sell 800 tickets.

      Rally Day will be Sunday, September 8th with lunch at the parsonage after the church service.

      Pastor Sene said that there has been energy in the blended worship this summer, there have been children in each service and there is not a need for two services.  There is a concern about the aging Chancel Choir members and there are people in the Praise and Rejoice service who would like to sing in the choir, but don't want to miss P&R services.  If the blended services continue, there would need to be counters for just one service and it would save office time for Shanda Walker in the office.  By consensus, the blended service will be extended until Charge conference in early November and a survey will be taken to see how people feel.  Patti Edwards will get an article in the September Outreach to inform the congregation of the decision.

       A suggestion was made to have a faith story on the 5th Sundays.

       CHRISTIAN EDUCATION:  Cheryl O'Brien said that training needs to be done and this will be scheduled.

       ENDOWMENT:  Diane Croson reported that the committee will meet August 23 with the financial consultant present.  College scholarships will be addressed first.

       Don Taylor inquired about the progress of the Outreach Committee;  no information was forthcoming.

       Don Taylor moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Sue O'Steen offered the closing prayer.


Marilyn Taylor, Secretary

   Trinity United Methodist Chirch; 237 N. Water St. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                  208-522-7921; office@tumcif.org or webmaster@tumcif.org