

APRIL 9,2013


        The meeting was called to order by Church Council Chairman Patti Edwards, who opened with prayer.  Present for the meeting were Patti Edwards, Patty Allen, Ron Ayers, Joyce Ayers, Brenda Sene, Marilyn Taylor, Don Taylor, Scott Taylor, Cheryl O'Brien, Cheryl Siedelmann, Richard Dickson, Judy Cope, Heather Castillo, and Dennis King.

Patti Edwards read I Corinthians 13: 1-13 and discussed it with emphasis on faith, hope and love.

        Minutes of the March 12, 2013 meeting were accepted as submitted.

        FINANCE:  Richard Dickson said that the Trustees are looking at information on church and parsonage repairs.  Scott Taylor said that no payments have been sent to Conference, however, TUMC is current on all of its bills.  TUMC is coming out "about even."

     SPRC:  Cheryl O'Brien proposed a revision of the policies previously decided upon:  we are failing  in that it is unrealistic to meet some of the goals that were set.  There needs to be training and then information filled out on the spot.  There will still be some random background checks.  Ron Ayers moved to accept the proposed changes as presented by Cheryl on pages 3, 4 and 8 of the Safe Sanctuaries and Abuse Prevention Policy.   (see the policy for the changes.)  The motion was seconded and carried.

      Marilyn Taylor reported on the "Tacos for F.I.S.H." lunch to be held on Sunday, May 19th to raise money for the TUMC budgeted item for F.I.S.H..  She also reported on the "Undie Sunday" asking for under clothing to be taken to Annual Conference in Boise in June and given for distribution to agencies dealing with people in distress.

      PATTI EDWARDS:  Where do we go from here?  TUMC is in a crisis situation.  A discussion followed.  Patti challenged everyone to greet people when they come in the church. Introduce yourself and introduce them to others.  Her dream is the reputation of TUMC in the community as an out looking church.  She wants TUMC to become a church that reaches out in the community, not as individuals,  but as a body.

     Problems with the church building and parsonage need to be dealt with along with the finances of the church.  Pastor Brenda would like to have dialogue between Trinity and St. Pauls about the future of Methodism in Idaho Falls.  She also said that the Museum of Idaho is interested in purchasing the church property.   It was expressed that there needs to be openness with the congregation about the current financial situation and possibilities of changes that need to be made.  The building needs to be talked about.  Cheryl Siedelmann moved that an appraisal be done of the church building.  The motion was seconded and carried.

       Everyone is encouraged to sign up for one of the small dinner/lunch groups.  After the groups are formed, training will be held for the leaders.  The groups help build relationships among members.

       Joyce Ayers offered the closing prayer.  The meeting was adjourned.


      Marilyn Taylor, Secretary








         The United Methodist Women recently heard a program presented by Greg Weitzel about his recent mission trip to Haiti.  Another program dealt with Poverty in too many places.  The next meeting will be an ice cream social in August.

Rummage for the upcoming sale October 11th and 12th can be brought to the church after September 1.  An "unrummage sale" is ongoing;  this replaces a second sale each year.


Marilyn Taylor, President






       Members of the Missions Committee have been planning the  "tacos for F.I.S.H." lunch on May 19th.  Members of the F.I.S.H. board are assisting the committee.  Many people participated in the Mothers' Day Blankets program and as a result, many people in disasters will receive warm blankets for comfort and protection.  This is a world wide program by Church World Service, and CWS is one of the first groups to respond to floods, fires, hurricanes, dams breaking and other disasters involving persons who suddenly become in need.   There will also be produce "sales" this summer, beginning in June.


Marilyn Taylor, Chairman


   Trinity United Methodist Chirch; 237 N. Water St. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                  208-522-7921; office@tumcif.org or webmaster@tumcif.org