3/12/13 Minutes



MARCH 12, 2013


      Pastor Brenda Sene brought the meeting to order in the absence of Chairman Patti Edwards.  Don Taylor gave the opening prayer.   

      Present for the meeting were Cheryl O'Brien, Scott Taylor, Gene Summers, Lyle ________, Judy Cope, Patty Allen, Sue O'Steen, Brenda Sene, Marilyn Taylor, Don Taylor, Erin Beale, Sarah Bettinger, Terri Robinson, Paul Robinson, Kathy Harder, Lorraine Driskell, Dennis King, Bill O'Steen, Heather Castillo, Deb Bean, Mike Bean, Shanda Walker, Amanda McClure, Vince Esparza, Cheryl Siedelmann, David Bybee, Jeff Bryan, Richard Dickson and Betty Anderson.

     Discussion was held about the policy proposed for the staff and security of the staff and visitors.  After discussion, Scott Taylor moved that the policy be adopted.  The motion was seconded and carried.

     Minutes of the February meeting were approved as amended.

      OUTREACH:  Amanda McClure is working on a new layout for the Outreach that she feels will be easier to read and more appealing to read.  It will also be posted on the Web site.

      Pastor Brenda Sene talked about Queen Esther and her actions prior to saying that TUMC is at a crossroads, not a crisis.  She stated that the church has been in decline for decades, that people have moved away, people have passed away and the building is aging.  She stated that David Pennock's dream is to have Trinity's church building as part of the Museum of Idaho's complex.  She would like to have discussions among members of Trinity and St. Paul's about the future of Methodism in Idaho Falls.  A question had been raised about why there are two Methodist churches and only one Presbyterian.

      Pastor Sene opened discussion with the question as to what people expected of her as the pastor and she was asked what she felt she should do and is doing as the pastor.  Many people participated in the discussion that followed.

      A second question was what expectations  members have of each other as leaders; a general discussion followed.

      Pastor Sene said that Psalm 150 would be the scripture the following Sunday and everyone would have the opportunity to play an instrument to go along with the theme in the Psalm.

      The theme to follow is:  "SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE."

       Brenda thanked everyone for coming.  Bill O'Steen closed with prayer.



Marilyn Taylor, Secretary







      The committee is making plans for "Tacos for F.I.S.H." to fulfill the Church Council's proposal that a money making event be held to raise money for the budget toward contributing to F.I.S.H.  The lunch will be on Sunday, May 19th with "Tacos to Go"  after the Praise and Rejoice service and then a sit down lunch of Tacos after the Traditional service.

      The committee will also be assisting with the UNDIES SUNDAY plan to collect all types of underwear for men, women and children to go to agencies where people are in need of these items.  This includes socks and  diapers as well as other items.

      Mothers' Day Blankets will be next on the docket.


Marilyn Taylor, Chairman





      A successful bake sale was held in March.  Fair Trade coffee and tea were some of the items sold to help third world people have fair incomes for their work. 

      Members are looking forward to Mission u, formerly School of Christian Mission, in July in Boise.

      Members continue to financially contribute to the "Unrummage" sale.....it's too much to do two rummage sales a year with our aging membership.


Marilyn Taylor, President

   Trinity United Methodist Chirch; 237 N. Water St. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                  208-522-7921; office@tumcif.org or webmaster@tumcif.org