2/12/13 Minutes

Meeting minutes for  February 12.



FEBRUARY 12, 2013

     The meeting was called to order by Chairman Patti Edwards who opened with prayer.  She read I John 2: 7 - 11.  She also shared from a book: Ten Temptations of Church.

      For everyone to "check in with each other", all present shared something with the group.  Those present were Cheryl O'Brien,Scott Taylor, Richard Dickson, Amanda McClure, Patti Edwards, Marilyn Taylor, Don Taylor, Brenda Sene, Bill O'Steen and Cheryl Siedelmann.

      The December minutes were approved as submitted and the January minutes were approved as amended:  under FINANCE, having to do with F.I.S.H., "as part of the budget discussion, F.I.S.H. was questioned as a recipient of money to be included in the budget."

     FINANCE:  Scott Taylor reviewed the financial status of the church.  All signature cards are up to date at the bank.  There will be two (2) signatures on each check.

Finance and Trustees are checking inwith each other.  A question was raised about electronic donations to the church....something that was brought up last year and not been finalized.

      F.I.S.H.:  This item will be left in the budget, however, functions are to be held to raise up to $600 for this item.  Members ofthe council accepted this decision by consensus.

      OUTREACH COMMITTEE:  Amanda McClure reported that the committee has set up meetings to consider how to get out information about VBS, make the Outreach easier to read by revamping it and also save money and plans for Pentecost.

       ENDOWMENT:  the committee is having a hard time getting together.  A meeting is set for February 27 at 11:00 a.m..

       SECURITY SYSTEM:  The functional requirements have been located and are being looked for.  Part of the plan depends on money.  This is mainly for security during the day.

Cheryl O'Brien spoke about the security policy being considered.  She recommended that everyone needs to make sure the doors are locked at night.

Cyber security:  the password has been changed on the WiFi.

        NEW BUSINESS:  The Church Council is allowed to make new assignments:  Bill O'Steen is stepping down as Scouting Coordinator and Robin Stewart was recommended as the replacement.  Marilyn Taylor moved that the change be accepted.  The motion was seconded and carried.  Other changes were:  Harlan Lerun as Scout Master, Bill O'Steen as the Cub Master and Cheryl Siedelman be on the Church Council as Web Master.  The motion to accept these positions was made by Marilyn Taylor, was seconded and carried.

     TRUSTEES:  Richard Dickson:  Trustees have been looking into things that need to be done to the church building including water leaks, moisture, mortar, brick restoration in areas and the roof.

At the parsonage there is an oil drum to deal with and a fireplace that can't be used, among other things.  The church is almost 100 years old and concern was expressed about the viability of  TUMC.  It is a big, old, historic facility and there is also concern about preservationof the stained glass windows.

       Brenda Sene reported that the Museum of Idaho has had people come look through the church.  She feels that there needs to be a discussion about Methodism in Idaho Falls.

GOALS:  The council revisited Purpose #5.

Motto:  extend love and acceptance to each person.

Patti Edwards passed a "Covenant of Respect" to each person to take home and read through.  Next month, Patti hopes that everyone will be able to sign on to the Covenant of Respect.

Pastor Brenda will be in the sanctuary on Ash Wednesday from eight a.m. until four p.m. for people to pray and receive ashes.

The Lenten series begins February 24th with speakers fromTUMC.  4:00 will be a study b y Adam Hamilton,5:00 will be soup and bread and speakers at 5:30.

Regional Council Lenten servies will also begin.

Carol Bruinsma will be preparing the power point for Sunday worship.

Bill O'Steen closed the meeting with prayer.

Marilyn Taylor, Secretary

MISSIONS:   The committee will meet on March 14th and plans will be made for Mothers' Day Blankets in April and the first of May and a Taco Bar on May 19th for the F.I.S.H. budget item.  There is continuing support for items for UMCOR West as well as City of Refuge.  (needed items are on the Missions bulletin board over the stairway. 

Marilyn Taylor, Chairman


The annual bake sale with not only baked items but soup and some candy will be March 10th.

Two members attended a Legislative Event in Boise and enjoyed being in the gallery in the capitol as well as meeting legislators from the area.

Marilyn Taylor, president


   Trinity United Methodist Chirch; 237 N. Water St. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                  208-522-7921; office@tumcif.org or webmaster@tumcif.org